PART TWO: How to Secure a Top-Notch Freelancer to Develop Awesome Products for You!

3: Selecting the Top Freelancers

There’s a chance you’ll find several impressive freelancers, but how do you choose the ideal one? The answer is to assign them a minor task first.

The reason behind this is simple; a freelancer might have an impressive track record with others but that doesn’t guarantee they’ll be a fit for you. Communication styles, personal dynamics, or differing work philosophies could create a clash. You won’t know these potential pitfalls until you work together.

If you plunge into a major project with a new freelancer and things don’t pan out, you might find yourself wasting precious time and resources.

The best approach? Give your potential freelancer a smaller task first. For instance:

• If you need an 80,000-word book, ask them to write a 10,000-word report to begin with.

• If you need a 20-module video training series, assign them one module initially.

Once you’ve seen how well you collaborate and the quality they deliver, you can then confidently assign them larger tasks.

At this stage, it’s wise to formalize your agreement. This should outline the project scope, deadlines, payment details, and other relevant information.

Make sure to discuss your expectations. Freelancers can’t read minds, so let them know your needs upfront.

For example, if you want a project update every three days, make this clear.

And finally…

Step 4: Foster Your Freelancer

By now, you’ll have an exceptional freelancer on board. Your role now is to motivate them and create a conducive working atmosphere. In return, you’ll get top-notch work and a harmonious working relationship.

Here’s how to cultivate a positive working environment:

• Provide detailed briefs. The more specific you are about your project, the higher the chances of receiving excellent results.

• Respect their work process. Avoid micromanaging your freelancer. They are an independent contractor, not an employee. If they deliver fantastic results, don’t meddle with their method of achieving them.

• Offer compliments. While earning money is a major motivation, kind words can also be very motivating. If they do an impressive job, acknowledge it.

• Offer surprise bonuses. If your freelancer does exceptionally well or finishes ahead of time, consider a bonus. This could be extra cash or a gift certificate to a restaurant they love.

In conclusion…

That’s your guide to finding and engaging a stellar freelancer. This is vital, especially for a digital product business that markets products like ebooks, software, apps, videos, etc. A freelancer can create these products for you, allowing you to focus on your marketing strategy.

But a word of caution…

Even the best freelancer can’t save your business if your product ideas aren’t compelling. That’s why you need to learn how to create products that people genuinely want to purchase. The best place to start is RIGHT HERE! Be sure to visit this link now while you can still get free access!

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